How to reset a forgotten password.

Follow the steps below to reset your password.

  1. To help follow and perform these steps easily, keep this web window page open for reference.
  2. Open a new, second browser window and go to the Arbors home page.  This will allow you to switch between windows or display both windows at the same time while completing these steps.
  3. Perform the following steps on the new, second Arbors home page.
  4. Click on the "log in" link found in the upper right corner of the home page, and the "Log In" page appears.
  5. Click on the "Forgot password?" link on the bottom of the page, and the "Forgot Password" page appears.
  6. Type in your email address in the Email box and then click the   Submit   button.
  7. The system will now send you an email with an embedded and secure link to reset your password.
  8. Retrieve this email from your email program on your PC, MAC or smartphone.
  9. Click on the   Reset my account password   button in the email and a new browser web page will appear for you to enter your new password.
  10. Before entering your new password, consider using a strong password consisting of upper and lower case characters, numbers, and at least one special character. The recommended length of your new password should be at least 6 characters long.
  11. Type in your new password (for security reasons, the characters you type-in are displayed as dots). As you type, a sliding red line appears to indicate the security strength of your new password. The longer the sliding line, the stronger and more secure the password.
  12. Click the   Reset   button to set your new password.
  13. You should now be able to return to the Arbors home page and complete your login to the Arbors website with this new password.
  14. The system will also send you a confirmation email indicating your password was reset.
Your web administrators recommend using strong passwords for your best security. Further, we recommend using a separate and different Arbors password than the ones you use to access any of your financial, health, or retirement systems.